Thula Thula Rhino Fund

The Thula Thula game reserve in Southafrica has become a favorite travel-destination for the entire Simonsen family. It has become a home away from home and after several visits, the loving staff has become dear friends. Francoise Malby Anthony and her late husband Lawrence Anthony build the reserve from the ground up. Lawrence Anthony is known around the world for his books concerning wildlife conservation and also for the amazing story about the rogue herd of elephants that he refused to give up on. His story and the mentality with which he viewed nature have inspired many and that was certainly the case with Jorgen too. Having stumbled across the reserve quite by accident Jorgen quickly established a friendship and common fascination of nature with Lawrence.

Lawrence and his wife were, and Francoise still is, highly engaged in the conservation of animals both on a local and global scale as well as the education of the local villages gathered around the reserve. Lawrence believed it was essential to involve the local community in the protection of the animals, if he were to minimize poaching on the reserve.  On a global scale he founded The Earth Organization which is involved in several projects around the world.

After the unfortunate passing of Lawrence Anthony, his wife Francoise has carried on his mission. In the spirit of her late husband she has, founded The Thula Thula Rhino Fund which primary job is to rehabilitate orphaned or hurt rhinos. There are already two rhinos roaming freely around in Thula Thula called Thabo and Ntombi. They are followed 24 hours a day by a military trained, specialized unit in order to protect them from poachers. Rhino horns are in demand especially in Asia for different remedies and the price per kilogram is now up to $90.000. That is why rhino poaching for a long time has been a major problem and a threat to the survival of several rhino species.

The members of the Jorgen Simonsen Foundation have in unity chosen this project as one of the center pillars of its conservation efforts. During the first couple of years the financial contribution will primarily support Thula Thula’s efforts towards getting their entire reserve properly fenced and secured. Ensuring that the reserve continues to grow and flourish is important, so the staff can continue to invest time in the rhinos. Our support can hopefully help the team of Thula Thula in their quest to preserve these beautiful creatures for future generations in the spirit of both Jorgen as well as Lawrence Anthony.

Thula Thula is not only a reserve that consists of a group of dedicated hardworking people, but also a way of life. They show us the beauty of nature and the creatures in it and most importantly the whole Thula Thula project is an example of how far a committed group of people can get together.

  • Thula Thula Rhino Fund